03. Project Resources

Resources For Completing the Project

This project will be completed and submitted via workspaces. The required files and resources, described below, are already present in Behavioral Cloning Project workspace.

  • The GitHub repository has the following files:
    • drive.py : a Python script that you can use to drive the car autonomously, once your deep neural network model is trained
    • writeup_template.md : a writeup template
    • video.py : a script that can be used to make a video of the vehicle when it is driving autonomously
  • sample driving data (optional) - if you choose to use a workspace, this is already included in your files. You can find it in /opt/carnd_p3/data/ ( /opt is in the directory above /home , where your workspace is contained) when using GPU mode only . Note that if you choose to only use your own training data, you'll want to save it to a different directory to make sure they are not accidentally combined.
  • a simulator, containing two tracks

We encourage you to drive the vehicle in training mode and collect your own training data, but we have also included sample driving data for the first track, which you can optionally use to train your network. You may need to collect additional data in order to get the vehicle to stay on the road. To review project completion requirements, please see the Project Rubric .